Yard Care Tools and Gardening Tools Need Cleaning and Maintenance for Optimum Performance and Longevity. After a long day of rigorous gardening, you might be tempted to ditch the tools in the shed and get cozy to rest your sore muscles. However, experienced gardeners and tool experts know that even a little damp soil can rust the blades. It’s important not just to chuck your tools in a corner after use, even if you’re tired. This article will discuss effective yet easy ways to take care of your garden tools, so overcomplicated maintenance procedures do not bog you down. Plus, we’ve included expert tips so your tools will remain in top condition even after years of helping you grow your beautiful garden. Everyday Cleanliness Is Key Keeping your tools clean is paramount to maintain their functionality and even prevent corrosion or rust, so you must give them a good rinse with a hose after every use. Then, scrub away any stubborn dirt or grime using a wire brush or … [Read more...] about Yard Care Tools: How to Clean, Maintain, and Store Gardening Tools for Longevity
Tomato Hornworm and Other Pests for Tomatoes
Here’s how to protect your tomato plants from tomato hornworm and other pests for tomatoes. Tomatoes are a beloved crop for many home gardeners, prized for their juicy fruits and culinary versatility. In fact, tomatoes are the number one most popular plant in backyard vegetable gardens. Growing tomatoes can be extremely rewarding. That’s because a homegrown, vine-ripened tomato is delicious and nutritious. Unfortunately, growing tomato plants can be challenging due to a variety of pests that threaten the health of the plants and the quality of the fruits. Enemy number one for tomato plant damage is the dreaded tomato hornworm. A tomato hornworm is actually the caterpillar stage of a hawk moth (Manduca quinquemaculata), which is also known as a sphinx moth or a hummingbird moth. Tomato hornworms are voracious eaters of tomato plant foliage. A hungry tomato hornworm can strip the leaves from a small tomato plant overnight. (They are most active from dusk until dawn.) So, … [Read more...] about Tomato Hornworm and Other Pests for Tomatoes
How to Start a Victory Garden 2.0
Planting a Victory Garden 2.0 is a good way to preserve your sanity in a crazy world. Plus, you get vegetables! Victory Gardens were vegetable and fruit gardens that people planted in their yards during World War Two. Not only were Victory Gardens a great way to provide homegrown food, but these gardens were morale boosters during the war. In 2020, the Victory Garden idea was brought back to life when the COVID-19 outbreak forced millions of people worldwide to quarantine and stay at home. Instead of feeling helpless, thousands of people retuned to gardening by starting a Victory Garden 2.0. That's because growing plants and tending a garden provides stress relief, a healthy outdoor activity, and food security. Many people don’t realize that gardening has a history of being a coping tool during times of national crisis. During the first World War more than 100 years ago, the U.S. government encouraged Americans to plant vegetable gardens. (Back then, they were called Liberty … [Read more...] about How to Start a Victory Garden 2.0
How to Grow Cucumbers, Trellis Cucumber Plants, and Treat Cucumber Diseases
A comprehensive guide on how to grow cucumbers, maximize production with a vertical trellis, and identify and treat common cucumber diseases and problems. Growing cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) in your backyard garden can be a rewarding experience. Cucumbers are a versatile vegetable, perfect for salads, pickling, and even eating fresh off the vine. That's why cucumbers are a popular backyard vegetable. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about growing cucumbers, from planting to managing common diseases and pests. Selecting the Right Cucumber Variety and Planting Before you start, choose the cucumber variety that best suits your needs. There are two main types: Site Selection for Planting Cucumbers Planting Time Planting Method Many garden vegetables can be planted directly into garden soil or started as seeds for transplanting into the garden. Cucumbers grow well either way. So, the question about how to grow cucumbers comes … [Read more...] about How to Grow Cucumbers, Trellis Cucumber Plants, and Treat Cucumber Diseases
Best New Gardening Books for Summer Reading
Summer is the season for gardening, and it’s also the time to read the best new gardening books. There’s something delightful about finding a comfortable spot outdoors and reading a great book. It’s one of the joys that makes summer special. This year we have a bountiful crop of great new gardening books for summer reading. So, pour a cold glass of lemonade, pull up a chair and get lost in the best new gardening books for summer reading. Editor's Note: Home Garden and Homestead is a proud member of the Amazon Associates Program. We earn a small commission (at no cost to you) when you click on a link and make a purchase. Thanks for supporting our website! The Urban Garden In cities and towns across America (and the world), urban gardeners grow plants of all kinds in whatever space they have available. The Urban Garden is a book for anyone who gardens in limited space. Authors Kathy Jentz and Teri Speight both have roots in the Washington, DC area, and their new book … [Read more...] about Best New Gardening Books for Summer Reading