Halloween marks the beginning of the trifecta of big Fall and Winter holidays. Whether you are into scary gardens, a witch’s medicinal ‘cures and curses’ herb garden, or a Goth garden full of vampires and zombies-- creating a Halloween landscape doesn’t have to be a nightmare. But trends being the way they are, Goth gardens aren't just for Halloween anymore. A sinister-looking Goth garden can be awesome all year long. A Goth Garden and the love of Goth gardening is inspired by the dark, brooding Gothic gardens popular in the Victorian era. Quite simply, a Goth garden suggests a fascination with cemeteries and death. Themes of death and decay dictate the use of black plants. Today, expressing your inner dark side with homemade or store-bought tombstones, gargoyles, flickering lights (no open flames, please) and cobwebs will add drama as uneasy guests make their way to your front door. A Scary Goth Garden Creating a Goth garden is the perfect time to repurpose any lifeless … [Read more...] about How to Create a Goth Garden
Overgrown Trees, Volunteer Plants and Tough Love in the Landscape
The end of the growing season doesn’t mean the job of the gardener or homeowner is done. Not when there are overgrown trees to trim and volunteer plants to remove. And that’s just the beginning. The annual flowers and spent vegetables need to be pulled from the garden and the growing containers. Fallen leaves need to be mowed, composted or raked. But that’s just the beginning. Those black-eyed Susans have traveled from one sunny spot to five. The ninebark shrub grew so much this summer that its branches now crowd the sidewalk. Over the last few years, you’ve noticed there are fewer flowers on the daylilies. And, then you remember the co-worker who couldn’t find your house because the shrubs hide the front door and address. It’s time to walk the yard and determine what’s working and what’s not. It’s time for tough love in the landscape. Overgrown trees Some plants have gotten too big for their borders, so to speak. Overgrown trees and shrubs fit into this category. … [Read more...] about Overgrown Trees, Volunteer Plants and Tough Love in the Landscape
Use BTI to Kill Mosquitoes. It’s Chemical-free.
There is no reason to use harsh chemicals to control mosquitoes when you can use BTI to kill mosquitoes. That's because BTI is a naturally occurring bacterium that kills mosquitoes before they can become flying, biting, disease-spreading adults. Everyone hates mosquitoes. Mosquito bites are itchy and painful. Plus, mosquitoes spread some of the world’s deadliest diseases such as Zika virus, West Nile virus, malaria, chikungunya and dengue fever. Wherever there’s moisture there will be mosquitoes—even in times of drought. Reduce your chances of getting bitten by mosquito pests by being “mosquito smart.” Start by understanding why mosquitoes bite people.Then, learn to reduce mosquito breeding sites and follow the mosquito-control strategies that are most effective in keeping mosquito populations down. Why Do Mosquitoes Bite? A female mosquito will bite humans, mammals and birds in search of a blood meal so she can produce eggs. She can extract up to four times her … [Read more...] about Use BTI to Kill Mosquitoes. It’s Chemical-free.
12 Cold Hardy Tropical Plants to Grow Now
Everyone loves the feel of the tropics. Palm trees swaying in the breeze. Exotic flowers with intoxicating aromas. The fragrant fruit that seems to melt in your mouth. But did you know you can grow cold hardy tropical plants as far north as New York State? By incorporating some of these cold hardy tropical plants in your garden, you can enjoy your own tropical stay-cation without leaving your backyard! Cold-hardy tropical plants can be hard to find in local stores. That's why we have included some of our favorite website sources for these plants, including NatureHills.com and Amazon. When you click one of our links to a recommended product, Home, Garden and Homestead will receive a small commission for qualifying sales. Thanks for supporting this website! We really appreciate it! Happy Face Emogi! Best Cold Hardy Tropical Plants for Cooler Climates Hardy Banana You can’t get much more tropical than a banana tree. And luckily … [Read more...] about 12 Cold Hardy Tropical Plants to Grow Now
7 Perfect Patio Fruit Trees for Small Spaces
Patio fruit trees make it possible to grow delicious fruits even in the smallest of spaces. Imagine growing a small fruit tree right outside your back door. Patio fruit trees are small enough for virtually everyone to enjoy! Here are 7 perfect patio fruit trees that you can grow on a porch, patio--and just about everywhere. Note: We have included links to some of the products in this story. Home Garden and Homestead receives a small commission from qualifying purchases from clicking on the links below. Thank you for supporting this website! Click Here Just for Fun: What's Trending on Amazon.com Dwarf Fruit Trees on Amazon Another great place to shop for fruit trees is NatureHills.com Patio Apple Trees Apple trees might be the perfect patio fruit trees. Imagine picking your own tasty apples, grown right on your patio! It’s possible with the correct dwarf varieties and a bit of pruning. Many tasty varieties of apple trees can perform great in … [Read more...] about 7 Perfect Patio Fruit Trees for Small Spaces