Spring Lawn Care Tips to Keep Your Grass Looking Great. The spring season is the time for lawns and gardens to bloom and become green. Fortunately, there are several key spring lawn care tips. These tips will make your lawn thrive with the right care during the spring season. Preparing your lawn during the spring season ensures healthy growth throughout the year. With the right maintenance practices, your lawn will be vibrant and healthy. It will also be capable of defending itself from various growth-related challenges and environmental stressors. Following are some of the most vital spring lawn care tips. Spring Lawn Care Tip: Rake Your Lawn and Remove Excess Winter Debris The first spring lawn care tip starts with raking your lawn. Raking begins with lightly scratching and scraping the lawn to get rid of leaves that didn’t survive the winter. The fallen leaves can eventually contribute to an excessive thatch layer that can make your lawn look unkempt or unhealthy. … [Read more...] about Spring Lawn Care Tips
Orchid Garden Pool Landscape
I never expected to design an orchid garden pool landscape. But then I visited a new landscape design client. I quickly realized that just past their front door was a gorgeous swimming pool. How do you landscape a front entrance that’s a pool lanai? Most swimming pools in Florida are surrounded by garden beds with tropical plants on the inside of their screened enclosures. But this pool lanai was surrounded by four bare walls. Deciding on a design theme was easy when I found out my client was an orchid lover. I decided that I wanted to display an orchid garden on the tiled walls. But how to connect them together and take care of them properly and without a lot of maintenance? That part would be a challenge. The Orchid Garden Pool Landscape Design Up to the challenge, I searched for driftwood that would securely hang on the walls. I wanted to attach the various orchid species, tillandsias, bromeliads, and ferns just like they hang from trees in their native … [Read more...] about Orchid Garden Pool Landscape
Best Garden Tools Make Gardening Easier
Are the best garden tools in your tool shed? They should be! Every gardener and homesteader knows the joy of having great garden tools. The right tool makes the difference when you’re digging a hole, weeding a flower bed or pruning your favorite shrub. Let’s face it, having well-designed, well-made and truly great garden tools makes any garden or yard work job easier—and a whole lot more satisfying. From shovels to weeders and from pruners to watering accessories, garden tools help to keep plants healthy. And great garden tools keep the entire yard looking great. So, let’s give a big shout-out to the best garden tools. Let’s hear it for the yard and garden tools that are a pleasure to use because they get the job done. You'll love all these tools-- made well for years of hassle-free performance. Best Garden Tools The editors of Home, Garden and Homestead have been digging in the dirt and caring for plants longer than we care to admit. We’ve bought our share of discount … [Read more...] about Best Garden Tools Make Gardening Easier
Best Weeding Tool: CobraHead Weeders
Owning a best weeding tool is an absolute necessity for every gardener or homeowner. Without an effective weed puller, it’s virtually impossible to grow a great garden or a lawn that’s the envy of the neighborhood. Everyone who grows plants in the soil knows that weeds happen. These unwanted plants seem to grow everywhere there is bare or cultivated soil. “Weeds start to sprout in spring even before vegetable gardens and flower beds are planted,” said Noel Valdes, president of CobraHead, the company that makes CobraHead weeders and cultivators, widely regarded as the best weeding tools. “The simple act of digging in the soil combined with Spring rainfall can give weed seeds a chance to grow. And most plants that we call ‘weeds’ are very aggressive growers.” An Old Digging Tool is Reborn as a Best Weeding Tool Valdes knows all about weeds because he has been a dedicated organic gardener his entire life. He was digging in his garden with an old-fashioned five-tined cultivator … [Read more...] about Best Weeding Tool: CobraHead Weeders
Best new vegetable seeds and plants for your garden
The best new vegetable seeds are the key to a bountiful summer harvest. Dozens of new varieties of vegetable garden seeds and starter plants are introduced every year. But how do you decide which ones deserve a place in your garden? As anticipation of a new gardening season gives way to planting season, it's time to see what new vegetable seeds are available. Then it's time to decide what you actually want to plant in your garden. This spring, seed companies have introduced an impressive selection of the new vegetable seeds. Some of these new vegetable varieties put a new spin on garden favorites. Others bring back heirloom selections that have a long history of outstanding garden production. Sometimes the best new vegetable seeds and plants offer bigger harvests and better hardiness. Sometimes the appeal is a different color, or a new variety designed especially for small gardens or container growing. The best new vegetable seeds presented here are sure to be among this … [Read more...] about Best new vegetable seeds and plants for your garden