Check out these favorite fun flower facts about the flowers you love to grow! Use these favorite fun flower facts to impress your friends with these handy little tidbits about the most popular spring- and summer-blooming flowers!
We expect to add add to this list periodically, so check back to see what we’ve added. And if you have a favorite flower that you would like to see featured, let us know in the comments below. Let’s spread the word about these fascinating garden favorites! Flowering plants are widely available at local garden centers. Did you know you can also buy garden plants online? Check out Nature Hills Nursery, the largest online plant nursery company. Also check out the Flowering Plants on Amazon.
Favorite Fun Flower Facts About Roses
We begin our list of favorite fun flower facts with the rose. Roses just might be the most popular flowers in the world. They seem to be everyone’s favorite flower!
People associate roses with love. But you don’t have to be in love to love roses. How many different kinds of roses are available? Nearly 200 types of rose cultivars are currently available, and new varieties are introduced every year.
Did you know that roses are edible? That’s right. The petals of a rose flower are edible–and they are delicious. To learn more, read Garden Roses: Queen of Edible Flowers.
Iris Flowers
Iris flowers are popular throughout the Northern Hemisphere. These plants get their name from the Greek word for rainbow. According to Greek mythology, Iris was a messenger for the gods. He traveled from the heavens to the earth on a rainbow. So, it should be no surprise that irises can bloom in a rainbow of colors.
There are about 300 different species of iris. Most of these originated in the temperate climates of Asia and Europe. Some iris plants grow from bulbs (much like tulips or daffodils). Other iris varieties grow from rhizomes, which are creeping stems that grow roots at the bottom and leaves from the top.
Irises are tough plants that are easy to grow. They flower in the spring. Even when the flowers have faded, the attractive sword-shaped leaves look great in a garden.
Favorite Fun Flower Facts About Daffodils
Daffodils are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring. Most daffodil flowers are bright yellow. But these beauties also come in white, pale yellow, orange, pink and bi-color varieties.
It’s thought that a gift of a bouquet of daffodil flowers will bring happiness to the recipient. Plus, there are lots of ways to give the gift of daffodil happiness because there are 25 daffodil species and 13,000 different hybrids!
Squirrels and deer won’t eat daffodils, and these bulbs will rebloom year after year in the spring. But if you want to plant daffodil bulbs, get them into the ground in the fall so the roots can start to grow. The bulbs will overwinter during the cold months and burst forth into bloom at the first sign of warmer weather in the spring.
Lovely Lilacs
Lilacs are large hardy shrubs that can become standout plants in almost any garden setting. They are known for their beautiful flowers, and these blooms are known for their sweeet scents that can fill any yard or garden. And some lilac bushes can grow to 10 feet tall!
Lilac flowers come in purple (lilac), pink, blue, and white. Each color is thought to have a different meaning. Magenta lilac flowers represent love and passion. White symbolizes innocence or purity. Blue lilacs mean both happiness and peacefulness, while purple is spirituality.
Lilacs were brought to America from Europe in the 1600s by colonists. Two early presidents, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, grew these majestic flowering shrubs in their gardens.
Favorite Fun Flower Facts About Wisteria
Most species of wisteria are fast growing and large. Wisteria is a climbing, woody vine that can grow more than 50 feet tall and spread 30 feet wide. Grow wisteria plants on a trellis because of their potential size and vining growth habit.
Wisterias are native to Asia, specifically to China, Japan, and Korea. Chinese wisteria was brought to the US in 1816, while Japanese wisteria was brought to the United States in 1830.
The beauty of wisteria flowers is legendary. The pendulous flowers in pink, purple, or white can grow more than 20 inches long. A mature wisteria in full bloom is truly a gorgeous site to behold. The largest wisteria is in Sierra Madre, California. It covers a complete acre of land and weighs an estimated 250 tons!
Snowball Bush
Snowball Bush (Viburnum sp.) is known for its white, globe-shaped flowers that resemble snowballs. These plants are among the most cold-hardy flowering shrubs, known to survive frigid winters in USDA zone 3.
There are five kinds varieties of snowball bushes. These include European, Chinese, Japanese, Grand Flowering Japanese, and fragrant snowball bush. Some varieties can grow up to 15 feet tall and 18 feet wide!
All kinds of snowball bushes feature bright white flowers. You know, like snowballs in summer.
Happy growing! And don’t forget to slow down enough to smell the flowers.
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