A square foot garden is a relatively new spin on a traditional vegetable garden. A vegetable garden, also called a kitchen garden, is where delicious herbs and vegetables are grown by a family for the family’s daily meals. Typically, the garden is grown in the backyard (sometimes just outside the kitchen door), and it is designed to be both attractive and efficient. To learn expert tips about how a square foot garden can increase vegetable harvests, I talked to the recognized expert. Steve Bartholomew, Director of the Square Foot Gardening Foundation, was kind enough to share his knowledge about how to create the most efficient and productive vegetable garden. Best-selling garden book The book Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew (Steve’s father) is the most popular gardening book ever published in North America. Introduced in 1981, the original book and later revised editions have sold 2.5 million copies. The book literally launched a gardening movement that … [Read more...] about Grow More Vegetables in a Square Foot Garden
How to Fertilize Clematis (and other flowering plants)
When I first started growing clematis plants and was learning about how to fertilize clematis, I learned about the N-P-K numbers found on plant fertilizer packages. N-P-K is short for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. These are the primary components of plant fertilizer, and the numbers are always listed in N-P-K order. For example, the numbers 10-10-10 might be prominently listed on a fertilizer bag. The fertilizer numbers represent the percentages of each primary nutrient in the fertilizer. A 10-10-10 fertilizer contains 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus and 10% potassium. I learned that these numbers could be interpreted as Up, Down, All Around. Up referred to plant foliage Down referred to plant roots All Around meant plant vigor and strength As I became experienced in growing clematis, I gained a mentor in Holland named Ton Hannink. Ton is a retired clematis expert who now devotes his time to clematis breeding and collecting. Way before the “blossom booster” … [Read more...] about How to Fertilize Clematis (and other flowering plants)
Container Gardening for Beginners
Gardening is trending again, and container gardening for beginners is leading the way. People who have never grown plants before are suddenly interested in planting a garden. “Whether you live in a densely packed city or in suburbia, you can successfully grow edible plants and vegetables,” said Randy Schultz, content editor for Home, Garden and Homestead. “You can grow tomatoes, beans, spinach, squash and so much more. Container gardening for beginners is the way to go, and the time to start is right now.” What is container gardening? Quite simply, container gardening is growing plants in pots, planters, tubs, half barrels, an old cowboy boot or any other thing that can hold some potting soil and a plant. Basically, it is growing a plant in anything that’s not a traditional in-the-ground garden plot. That’s why container gardening for beginners is so perfect. No garden plot is required, and you can grow a single tomato plant or a few herbs if that’s all the space you … [Read more...] about Container Gardening for Beginners
Stay at Home and Garden
Now is the perfect time to Stay at Home and Garden. Take advantage of the Stay at Home (and Safer at Home) directives during the COVID-19 pandemic—and get busy gardening! Use this time at home to raise nutritious and delicious vegetables your family can help plant, tend and enjoy eating. Why should you Stay at Home and Garden? Research supports the health benefits of gardening. The simple fact is that gardening is good for your physical and mental well-being. Gardening burns calories, strengthens muscles and improves flexibility. Spending time in the garden and nature improves our mood, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and helps us focus. And “playing in the dirt” really is good for you. Scientists made a positive connection between soil microbes and human health. They found Mycobacterium vaccae in the soil worked as an antidepressant, increased cognitive ability, lowered stress and improved concentration. Plus, when you stay at home and garden, you just feel … [Read more...] about Stay at Home and Garden
Debunking Clematis Myths
There are plenty of clematis myths that need debunking. That’s because clematis, known as “The Queen of the Vines,” is actually easier to grow than most people think. Despite the profusion of flowers that a clematis plant produces, many gardeners think these wonderful plants are difficult to grow. According to clematis expert Deborah Hardwick, clematis has gotten a bad rap. “There are so many myths about clematis, and most of them simply aren’t true,” said Hardwick. “Clematis aren’t much different than other plants in that they need to be treated with a little care to get them established in a new garden setting. But give them moist soil, light fertilizer and enough light and they will reward gardeners with a flower show that few plants can match.” Please remember that the majority of clematis plants are vines, so to perform and look their best they need to climb up a sturdy Arbor or Trellis. A clematis in full bloom can be the perfect focal point in a garden. So, placing a … [Read more...] about Debunking Clematis Myths